BigFoot Poutine (And breakfast with the leftover fries!)

My Giant is a wonderful guy. He treats me like I’m one in a million. I can’t talk about him enough; he changed my life and we are a happy giant/hobbit pair. Why am I being so sappy? Just that this dish was made for him one night when he got home late from work and had realized he forgot to eat! It is the Big Foot Poutine, made for my Big Foot.

bigfoot poutine 2

Here you can see the poutine. Crispy fries with cheddar, mushrooms, gravy and ground beef.

All I did was fry up some ground beef and finely chopped onions. Then I added a packaged gravy. It is so much easier to reach for a reliable powdered gravy in a pinch. Don’t think it is a sin, think of it as a pinch hitter when your batter is injured. I also added a can of mushrooms. I don’t normally use canned mushrooms, but my mom had sent a can over in a big bag of food so I decided better not to waste them! I found they suited this dish better than a fresh mushroom would. They were already softened and cooked through. Mix the gravy, beef and mushrooms together and pour over the fries and grated cheese. If you have cheese curds, all the better! This was late night and in a pinch, so my Giant ate cheddar and I ate grated babybel.

bigfoot poutine meal

To up our veggie intake, I prepped some carrot and celery sticks with slice cucumber and broccoli. We had some T Merzetti French Onion Veggie dip in the fridge, which was amazing!

What a great late supper. My Giant loved it, but he loves everything doesn’t he?

With the leftover fries I made breakfast the next day.

hashbrowns close up

I cut two slices of bacon into lardon style pieces, then fried with diced onions until almost cooked. Chop the fries into pieces and add them, allowing them to crisp up in the bacon fat. Oh these were so delicious and what is my motto? Waste not, want not!

breakfast sausage egg and hashbrown

We had these hashbrowns with scrambled eggs, yummy honey oat bread and pork sausages.

The sausages turned out perfect: juicy and plump inside with a crispy skinned outside. I find the easiest way to cook breakfast sausages are in the oven. Line a pan with foil, space your sausages apart (just a centimeter or two) and cook at about 300 Fahrenheit until they are browned and cooked through. Just be sure not to over cook, or else they will shrivel up!

We also had dark roast coffee and fresh orange juice. What a delightful breakfast!

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2 Responses to BigFoot Poutine (And breakfast with the leftover fries!)

  1. Mei Wonderful says:

    Never poo-poo the canned veg. Fresh is great, especially for a stir fry, BUT I have been known to enjoy a canned potater with my brecky.

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